Mindset with Rodrigo Pimentel

What can individuals learn from the experience of recovering from a severe physical and mental challenge, such as a stroke, and how can they apply those lessons to their own lives?
Rodrigo Pimentel discusses his catastrophic stroke, and his journey back from the near-death experience.
“This is what’s happening— there’s no point in being angry or being bitter. […] and the only thing I can do about it— or rather, in many ways, I can’t do anything about it right now. What I can do is not panic. And not get bitter. All of that will only make me stop… it will only make it worse. This came sort of naturally. I think this is the mindset that I had, this sense— this is what’s happening. This kept coming back to me over and over and over.” ~Rodrigo Pimentel 19:59
Rodrigo Pimentel recounts his stroke experience, reflecting on the unexpectedness and uncertainty that characterized his recovery. He emphasizes the importance of acceptance, revealing how his introspective nature, cultivated through parkour, long-distance running, and meditation, aided his coping mechanism. His ability to embrace introspection, facilitated his acceptance of help and changed his perspective on independence. Throughout the conversation, Rodrigo shares insights on handling adversity, and appreciating the current moment.
“All of man’s problems arise from not being able to sit quietly, alone in a room.” ~Blaise Pascal
The discussion touches on the introspective nature of parkour and long-distance running, highlighting how these activities provide opportunities for profound self-reflection. Additionally, Rodrigo emphasizes the significance of facing pain with curiosity rather than avoidance, shedding light on his approach to overcoming challenges and embracing acceptance in the face of uncertainty.
“So in the end, if you look at the big picture, it’s a big basket of the things I want to do, and it’s all in there together, and I’ll shake it somehow, and my week will come out. All this to say […] in the end, I’d describe my practice as ‘bit of everything’.” ~Rodrigo Pimentel 34:16
Embracing Acceptance Amid Uncertainty — The necessity of accepting circumstances, particularly during stroke recovery, where uncertainty loomed large.
Introspection Through Athletic Pursuits — Engagement in activities like parkour, long-distance running, and meditation facilitated an introspective mindset.
Navigating Pain and Challenges — Approach to pain, advocating facing it with curiosity rather than attempting to distract from it.
Appreciating Independence and Accepting Help — Stroke alters perspective on independence, leading to a newfound acceptance of help.
Rodrigo Pimentel’s @hashtagfeet on Instagram.
Haruki Murakami’s, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
(Written with help from Chat-GPT.)
— Hello👋 I’m Craig Constantine.
In the Movers Mindset podcast, I talk with movement enthusiasts to learn who they are, what they do, and why they do it. I’m interested in the nature and philosophy of movement and in exploring themes like independence, self-direction, and human excellence. My interests color each conversation and provide some structure to Movers Mindset. But since I like to take the scenic route, every conversation ends up going somewhere unique.
The purpose of Movers Mindset is to create and share great conversations with movement enthusiasts. Each conversation feeds my insatiable curiosity, but I share them to turn on a light for someone else, to inspire them, or to give them their next question.
I appreciate your time and attention, and I don’t take it for granted.
— Thank you!
My mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. And Movers Mindset is one of the things I do in service of my mission. Drop by https://craigconstantine.com/ for my weekly email, my other podcasts, writing and more.
The Movers Mindset project grew from conversations I started having as part of my personal journey rediscovering movement. The project started late in 2015, and it was initially simply a web site that shared others’ writing. The project grew, and in 2017 I started the podcast. I’ve worked extremely hard, but none of this would have been possible without so much help from so many people.
Thanks for listening!