Stany Boulifard Mallet: Art du Déplacement, the Yamakasi, and motivation

Movers Mindset
Movers Mindset
Stany Boulifard Mallet: Art du Déplacement, the Yamakasi, and motivation

What is the deeper philosophy behind Art du Déplacement, and how does it shape both movement practice and personal growth?

Stany Boulifard Mallet sits down with Craig to discuss his Art du Déplacement (ADD) journey, his practice, and his relationship with the founders. He shares how he met the Yamakasi, and the impact that they have had on his training over the years. Stany also unpacks his thoughts on the motivation behind ADD and his own reasons for training.

“You can choose to be ready; you can choose to train.” ~ Stany Boulifard Mallet (18:20)

The conversation explores the philosophy and practices of Art du Déplacement, focusing on its origins with the Yamakasi and their transformative approach to movement. Stany shares his personal journey, from discovering the discipline as a teenager inspired by the Yamakasi movie, to training under the founders. He reflects on the mental, emotional, and physical dimensions of the practice, emphasizing how it cultivates self-awareness and connection.

A significant portion of the discussion digs into specific training methods, such as the “be ready in an instant” exercise, and the importance of aligning spirit, body, and heart in movement. Stany also highlights the ethos of humility and humanity demonstrated by the founders, and how their teaching extends beyond physicality to deeper questions about purpose and emotional connection in life.


The transformative impact of Art du Déplacement — The discipline offers a path to personal growth through intentional movement.

The origins of the Yamakasi — A group of friends developed a philosophy centered on mind-body connection and emotional resilience.

The philosophy of choosing — Training focuses on active choice rather than passivity, reinforcing intention and self-determination.

Training with emotional awareness — Participants are encouraged to connect their movements to their emotions and purpose.

The role of humility — Despite their fame, the Yamakasi founders embody humility and prioritize meaningful connections.

The mental aspect of practice — Training involves psychological exercises to cultivate presence and focus.

The importance of novelty — Constantly seeking new challenges fosters growth and keeps the practice fresh.

The quest for understanding — Both personal and scientific approaches inform the guest’s movement practice.


Yamakasi Movie — A blockbuster film that introduced Art du Déplacement to a global audience.


University of Nantes — Where the guest teaches and integrates Art du Déplacement with sports sciences.

(Written with help from Chat-GPT.)

— Hello👋 I’m Craig Constantine.

In the Movers Mindset podcast, I talk with movement enthusiasts to learn who they are, what they do, and why they do it. I’m interested in the nature and philosophy of movement and in exploring themes like independence, self-direction, and human excellence. My interests color each conversation and provide some structure to Movers Mindset. But since I like to take the scenic route, every conversation ends up going somewhere unique.

The purpose of Movers Mindset is to create and share great conversations with movement enthusiasts. Each conversation feeds my insatiable curiosity, but I share them to turn on a light for someone else, to inspire them, or to give them their next question.

I appreciate your time and attention, and I don’t take it for granted.

— Thank you!

My mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. And Movers Mindset is one of the things I do in service of my mission. Drop by for my weekly email, my other podcasts, writing and more.

The Movers Mindset project grew from conversations I started having as part of my personal journey rediscovering movement. The project started late in 2015, and it was initially simply a web site that shared others’ writing. The project grew, and in 2017 I started the podcast. I’ve worked extremely hard, but none of this would have been possible without so much help from so many people.

Thanks for listening!
