About Movers Mindset

Hello 👋 I’m Craig Constantine.

The purpose of the Movers Mindset podcast is to create and share great conversations with movement enthusiasts. Each conversation feeds my insatiable curiosity, but I share them to turn on a light for someone else, to inspire them, or to give them their next question.

Anything is interesting if you dig deep enough, observe it from the correct angle, or talk to the right enthusiast.

~ Jason Kottke

In the podcast, I talk with movement enthusiasts to learn who they are, what they do, and why they do it. I’m interested in the nature and philosophy of movement and in exploring themes like independence, self-direction, and human excellence. My interests color each conversation and provide some structure to Movers Mindset. But since he likes to take the scenic route, every conversation ends up going somewhere unique.


The Movers Mindset project grew from conversations I started having as part of my personal journey rediscovering movement. The project started late in 2015, and it was initially simply a web site that shared others’ writing. The project grew, and in 2017 I started the podcast.

In 2018 I traveled to an event at Gerlev in Denmark. There I gave a brief presentation one morning explaining Movers Mindset’s purpose. The podcast has grown a lot since then, but the principles remain the same.

I’ve worked extremely hard, but none of this would have been possible without so much help from so many people.


You can of course just follow Movers Mindset as a regular podcast.

I also advocate for open systems of collaboration, and for calm technology. I try not to put my efforts into others’ walled gardens or closed systems.

There’s an RSS feed for this web site. (What’s RSS? â€¦in case you just asked.)

You can also follow my Movers Mindset in the Fediverse (aka Mastodon):

Who am I?

I’m Craig Constantine.

My mission is creating better conversations to spread understanding and compassion. I want us to go from simply having conversations, to actively creating better conversations.

There are a ton of podcasting related posts on my personal blog. What’s posted there is often background material for Movers Mindset.



I can’t reply to everything, but…