Movers Mindset
Chris and Shirley Darlington-Rowat: Serendipity, family, and relationships
How do movement, coaching, and family intersect to shape personal growth and relationships over time? Chris Rowat and Shirley Darlington-Rowat discuss serendipity, coaching, and Chris’s work with the fire brigade. They share their thoughts on raising kids, setting aside time for family, and training and moving together. Shirley and Chris share their current struggles, some… more →
Dan Timms: Injury, strength, and Parkour UK
How can experiences with injury and recovery inform sustainable parkour training and coaching practices? Dan Timms describes his journey with injury and recovery, and how it helped to shape his thoughts about sustainability. He discusses training methods, the forces involved in parkour, and his approach to coaching. Dan unpacks Parkour UK, what it is, what… more →
Andy Fisher: Teaching, journey, and efficacy
How can personal passion projects and unconventional pursuits outside the classroom enhance teaching effectiveness and foster authentic connections with students? Andy Fisher discusses being a teacher, why he loves it, and how his pursuit of his passions relates to the classroom. He shares his unique and unexpected movement journey before explaining how all of that… more →
Kasturi Torchia: Mental wellbeing, Esprit Concrete, and sharing
How can the integration of psychology and movement practices contribute to mental wellbeing and personal growth? Kasturi Torchia describes her role with Parkour UK, and how she came to be involved in mental wellbeing and psychology studies. She discusses her family and how they impacted her journey, before unpacking the Esprit Concrete method she has… more →
Georgia Munroe: Goals, Ninja Warrior, and coaching
How does the relationship between creative hobbies, personal challenges, and coaching shape the practice and development of movement disciplines? Georgia Munroe explains her interest in music and how that relates to her parkour practice, as well as how she became interested in parkour. She discusses the challenges and goals she is working on, before sharing… more →
Naomi Honey: Dance, coaching, and self talk
How does engaging in movement practices like Forró and parkour contribute to personal growth, emotional development, and professional coaching? Naomi Honey shares her experiences learning the Brazilian dance of Forró, and how it relates to her other movement practices. She unpacks her work as a life coach; what that means, how it works, and why… more →
Charlotte Miles: Motivation, emotional recovery, and purpose
What motivates someone to engage deeply in coaching, creativity, and physical training, and how do personal struggles and life experiences shape this engagement? Charlotte Miles shares her motivations for coaching, why it’s important to her, and how it fits into her life. She digs into more difficult topics; energy and emotional recovery, personal struggles, and… more →
Craig Constantine: Three words origin and purpose
Craig discusses the origin story and inspiration behind the ‘3 words’ question that ends each Movers Mindset episode. He explains its purpose, and the unexpected power of the question as each guest brings their own history, story, and identity to their answer. Craig shares his own three words, before sharing his personal favorite answer from… more →
Gogoly Yao: Journey, Esprit Concrete, and challenges
How can addressing personal fears and vulnerabilities through movement practices lead to deeper personal growth and stronger community connections? Gogoly Yao explains his background and the journey that led him to where he is now. He discusses how he first encountered parkour, and his work on Esprit Concrete with Kasturi Torchia. Yao shares his current… more →
Andy Pearson: Failure, inspiration, and injuries
How can a coach ensure their students surpass their own skills and preserve the essence of parkour over generations? Andy Pearson unpacks why he considers himself a failed coach, and dives into what he believes his job as a coach to be. He shares his insights on where to look for coaching and training inspiration… more →
Steve Zavitz: Freelancing, artistic process, and parkour culture
What drives someone to transition from a traditional career path into a freelance life focused on parkour photography and videography, and what insights can they share about this journey? Steve Zavitz shares his passion for parkour photography and film: from his transition to freelancing, his process, and what he likes to create. He discusses the… more →
Sean Hannah: Designing curriculum, teaching seniors, and the mid-range
How can Parkour principles be adapted to improve the health, mobility, and confidence of seniors? Sean Hannah takes us deep into curriculum development; how he researches, the importance of games and fun, and developing with specific audiences in mind. He discusses his role in designing the curriculum for the PK Move Study with Marymount University,… more →