Episode Listing

Vivian Carrasco: Mindset, transformation, and practice

Transformation is often thought of as a particular turning point, but Vivian Carrasco views it as a daily practice. She discusses stillness, shifting your mindset, and her touch stones. Vivi unpacks her thoughts on transformation, and how podcasting fits into her journey. She shares her personal practices, thoughts on success, and reflections on her beginnings and her own path. Vivian Carrasco is a wisdom teacher, mindset mentor, and podcaster based in Fort Worth, Texas. She Read more…

Howard ‘Cosmo’ Palmer: Mindfulness, intention, and cosmonauts

Against all odds, Howard ‘Cosmo’ Palmer survived serious heart problems in his childhood to become a healthy, active athlete into his 40s. he describes his childhood health journey and its effects on his life. Cosmo discusses his thoughts on changing your habits, and his personal intentions in the world. He unpacks the meaning behind his nickname and connection to cosmonauts, and shares his heroes and inspirations. Howard ‘Cosmo’ Palmer is a self-care, meditation, and wellness Read more…

Renae Dambly: Self care, perception, and competition

Moving to a different country and starting over is a challenge that Renae Dambly embraced. She shares how parkour and movement fit into her life, and how she takes care of herself, especially after moving to Germany. Renae unpacks her perception of herself vs other’s viewpoints, and publicly representing parkour. She discusses climbing, injury, competition, painting, and hitting the ‘plateau.’ Renae Dambly is an athlete and coach, recently moved to Germany from Colorado. She has Read more…

Mark Balfe-Taylor: Yoga, intuition, and discipline

Mark Balfe-Taylor prefers to ‘go with the flow’ rather than plan everything out… it just so happens that his ‘flow’ led to a successful career as a yoga teacher and trainer. He shares his thoughts on teaching yoga, and the journey he embarked on to get there. Mark discusses the lessons he learned through traveling, and his adjustment to fatherhood. He unpacks the idea of discipline, how it’s impacted his life, his practice, and his Read more…

Amy Slevin: Flow Motion, pain, and routines

Not quite fitting in can seem negative, but it is what inspired Amy Slevin to create something new. She unpacks the role movement holds in her life, and how she came to create FlowMotion Yoga. Amy discusses her thoughts on pain and injury, particularly within parkour. She shares her personal routines, habits, and what she’s been reading. Amy Slevin is an osteopath turned yoga instructor who teaches in London, UK. She founded FlowMotion Yoga to Read more…

John Beede: Mountaineering, values, and growth

Climbing Mt Everest and the 7 Summits is a huge accomplishment, for John Beede, it’s only the beginning of the story. He discusses his book The Warrior Challenge: 8 Quests for Boys to Grow Up with Kindness, Courage and Grit, and his reasons for writing it. John shares his experiences from mountaineering and climbing Everest, and why climbing is important to him. He reflects on his journey overcoming PTSD, what he’s learned from climbing, and advice for others starting out.

Alex Pavlotski: Ethnography, leadership, and trajectory

‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ is a statement that Alex Pavlotski lives by as a cartooning ethnographer. He explains ethnography and anthropology, and shares his thoughts on parkour and where it’s headed. Alex discusses leadership and his project Word Magick, as well as his goals for an illustrated thesis. He unpacks his observations on parkour practice, community, and defining our own future.

Angie Flynn-McIver: Intention, communication, and storytelling

Although she is officially an ‘expert’ in communication, Angie Flynn-McIver simply considers herself constantly fascinated by it. Angie Flynn-McIver discusses intention; What it is, coaching it, and practicing it. She shares her own stories of intention, coaching, and travel, and gives advice on finding your guiding stars. Angie unpacks her thoughts on the power of storytelling and how to use your intention to chart your course.

David Banks: Endurance challenges, performance art, and recovery

Is parkour about athleticism, or performance art? To David Banks, it is both at once. He shares his movement journey and inspirations, from martial arts to parkour to drama. David unpacks some of his projects, including the Movement Card and his various charity endurance challenges. He discusses performance art and how it relates to his parkour practice, and reflects on injury and recovery.

Adam Echa: Training, travel, and mindfulness

At first glance, Adam Echa is a jack of all trades, but all of his practices and interests are are connected. He shares the role of music in his life, his interest in photography, and his experiences riding bicycle deliveries in New York City. Adam discusses his parkour training, flips, cross training, and filming. He unpacks his personal mindfulness practices, and reflects on where and why he wants to travel.

Jessi Stensland: Feet, reflection, and nature

How does a professional tri-athlete become a barefoot nomad? The path has never been clearer to Jessi Stensland. She discusses the role of movement in her life, before diving into her passion: feet. Jessi unpacks her own journey of foot discovery, and shares foot recommendations for others. She describes her personal reflective practices, and her focus of prioritizing nature in her life.

Kyle ‘Just Sole’ and Dinita ‘Queen Di’ Clark: Street Dance, culture, and community

Some things go beyond a passion to become a way of life… For Kyle ‘Just Sole’ and Dinita ‘Queen Di’ Clark that way of life is street dance. They share their story; how they started dancing, their backgrounds, and their work as choreographers and professors. Just Sole and Queen Di describe their experiences with dance, from clubbing to teaching, and explain the culture and community of street dance. They discuss family, home and travel, and how dance weaves through everything in their lives.