Movers Mindset

  • Moving with Sarah Mohr

    Moving with Sarah Mohr

    What roles do movement, play, and internal-external balance play in human connection and self-expression? The balance between internal and external experiences shapes how individuals perceive and express themselves. “Let us have the capacity to lose the safety, and the illusion of the safety, that we are given in our century, to figure out that pain… more →

  • Freedom with Brandon Sandén

    Freedom with Brandon Sandén

    How does movement, particularly parkour, serve as a reflection of one’s mental and physical state while fostering personal growth and community connection? Movement reveals the intricate connection between physical challenges and mental states. “One thing I really love about parkour, and what it’s been for me, is that it’s kind of a perfect mirror—I think,… more →

  • Contact with Nika Jankovic

    Contact with Nika Jankovic

    What is the relationship between physical movement practices like floor work, yoga, and breath, and how do these practices influence personal growth and teaching methods? Discover how confronting the hardness of the floor can transform both physical practice and personal resilience. “You want to be friends with the floor. You wanna caress the floor, you… more →

  • Questions with Joe Boyle

    Questions with Joe Boyle

    How do individuals decide what to share with others, and what strategies are effective for meaningful communication? The conversation explores the interplay between offering help and withholding it to foster personal growth. “Anything that, sort of, gets you out of the rigidity of pattern is what lights you up.” ~ Joe Boyle (17:50) The conversation… more →

  • Jim Bathurst: Coaching, self-awareness, and getting started

    Jim Bathurst: Coaching, self-awareness, and getting started

    What strategies can be used to help individuals overcome personal and environmental barriers to achieve their physical and mental wellness goals? When Jim Bathurst first began his fitness blog in college, he never imagined it would lead to a successful career as a personal trainer and coach. He shares his journey from athlete to coach,… more →

  • Motivation with Oliver Thorpe

    Motivation with Oliver Thorpe

    What motivates and shapes the personal experiences and practices of someone who navigates both the parkour and climbing communities? Exploring mindfulness in movement reveals deeper insights into personal and communal growth. “It’s interesting how it somehow reveals our own thought process. So the exact sequence of my feet in some stride up to something— or… more →

  • Lindsey Kleinberg: Experiencing nature, creating connection, and healing

    Lindsey Kleinberg: Experiencing nature, creating connection, and healing

    How can individuals integrate nature, education, art, and personal healing into creating positive change for themselves and their communities? Lindsey Kleinberg advocates for nature play in the most important way; practicing what she preaches. She shares her experiences raising her family through alternative and nature education, and why it’s important to her. Lindsey describes the… more →

  • Growth with Brandon Douglass

    Growth with Brandon Douglass

    What can be learned from reflecting on personal growth and authenticity through the lenses of podcasting and movement? Exploring the intersection of self-expression and discipline through creative mediums. “Experimentation was key for me. And I think it’s just like, where are you finding the growth?” ~ Brandon Douglass (13:04) This conversation explores the themes of… more →

  • Play with Alyssa Serpa

    Play with Alyssa Serpa

    What influences the balance between seriousness and playfulness in physical training and movement practices? Physical challenges highlight the intricate relationship between personal growth and self-reflection. “I think that there is a lot of creativity for one— but also, just progression, that happens in the space of being playful, goofing around, and not taking your practice… more →

  • Questions with Sebastián Ruiz Jiménez

    Questions with Sebastián Ruiz Jiménez

    How does exploring one’s center and asking questions influence personal growth and understanding? Asking the right questions transforms challenges into opportunities for growth. “I think that a way to find creativity and inspiration is, try to read something, try to see something that is not what you usually see, that is not what you usually… more →

  • Perspective with Chris Grant

    Perspective with Chris Grant

    What lessons and insights can be drawn from personal experiences in Parkour and community development? Exploring how personal growth intertwines with professional experiences in Parkour and community development. “Getting things out there, 85, 90% done, and then there maybe being a few little fixes you do, is actually harmless compared to making people wait or… more →

  • Learning with Steven Low

    Learning with Steven Low

    How does one balance pursuing multiple creative and physical endeavors while maintaining long-term growth and curiosity? Practical insights into climbing, gymnastics, and writing illuminate the shared themes of persistence and adaptability. “My real goal is to get people thinking about how to apply all these different kinds of steps to their own training or injuries… more →