I Am NOT Afraid to Talk About Suicide

After recording the episode, Charlotte Miles: Motivation, emotional recovery, and purpose, Charlotte took the time to write this accompanying article after recording her episode, to share more of her thoughts on suicide.

Shame is a powerful thing. It can turn the strongest of us to blubbering wrecks, it can freeze our bodies to the spot, cause us to retreat in on ourselves, to grow small and even act completely in opposition to our nature. Shame silences us. It convinces us that we’re alone and this alienation only drives us deeper into solitude.

Even after years of grappling with my ghosts, my shame still haunts me. It catches my words in my throat and renders me speechless. Why? Because like a bully that doesn’t want you to speak out against the tormentors, this emotion knows that words are the way out. Like a boa-constrictor, it coils its tail around our throats, choking our ability to share and therefore connect; because when we share an emotion we remove its power and make it more manageable to deal with, eventually relinquishing its hold on us. Talking about our feelings enables us to step out of isolation and realise that we’re not so different or alone after all.

My process towards connection continues here. I hope that by sharing the words in text that I couldn’t on the microphone, I’ll manage not only to lessen my own isolation, but perhaps to aid someone else out of theirs too.

Here goes…


Thomas Droge and Brenda Kahn: Story, history, and self-perception

If you want to know someone, have a conversation with them. But if you want to know who they really are, have a conversation with their partner. Thomas Droge and Brenda Kahn share their story and how they’ve changed over the years. They explore the idea of our internal narratives and self-perceptions, finding your own way, and the human experience of time. Brenda and Thomas discuss ways to change the world and the importance of investigating your history.

Cara-Michele Nether: Aikido, wellness, and honesty

Unexpectedly inheriting an Aikido school may sound overwhelming, but Cara-Michele Nether took it in stride. She sits down to share her journey in Aikido and acupuncture, and what she’s learned from both. Cara-Michele unpacks her views on overall health, and how she helps people improve their lives by focusing on their ‘why.’ She discusses her grandmother, the importance of self-awareness, and her thoughts on Aikido’s usefulness.

Andrew Suseno: Ancestors, Parcon Resilience, and Racism

Andrew Suseno’s Parcon goes beyond the physical to create community and fight racism. Andrew discusses his family, ancestors, and their role in his identity. We explore what Parcon is, why he created Parcon Resilience, and his vision for the anti-racist work it does. Andrew unpacks various pieces of racism in modern America, how Parcon Resilience addresses it, and shares why the work he does inspires him.

Nikkie Zanevsky: Coaching, inclusivity, and empathy

When she first learned about parkour back in ’06, Nikkie Zanevsky never dreamed it would lead to her quitting her day job and starting her own movement company. Nikkie sits down to reflect on her approach to coaching, structuring classes, and creating an experience for her students. She shares her own methods of learning and growing, and how it impacts her coaching. Nikkie shares her insights on success, inclusivity and gender in parkour, and the importance of starting before you’re ready.

Bryan Riggins: Awareness, process, and books

Bryan Riggins discusses his motivation, goals, and process of training descents, and his experiences and relationship with fear. He shares how it relates to his love of coaching children, and the challenges he personally works on. Bryan unpacks his reasons for training parkour before delving into the many books that have influenced him and what is on his reading list.

TK: Tantra, authenticity, and eye contact

Tuline Kinaci openly discusses her experiences with tantra, explaining what it is, what it means to her, and how it relates to her goals with Lovecraft Collective. She shares her thoughts on the power of eye contact, radical honesty, and interpersonal communication. Tuline delves into her love of climbing, her relationship with movement, sexuality, and how the two are connected.

US Parkour Association (part 4 of 4): Competition, certifications, and a request

In the final episode about the US Parkour Association, the board discusses USPK’s stance and role within competition. They share their ideas around coaching certifications, whether the board will create one, and what it will mean for existing certifications. The board address the Federation of International Gymnastics, and share what each of us can do to help parkour.